Uninsured insurance Sher Law Group is a law firm that specializes in personal injury law and can help you in the event that you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver.
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Statue of limitations in Arizona In Arizona, there is a statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits, including those resulting from car accidents.
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What is Full Coverage Insurance? There is not a black and white definition for full coverage insurance. Typically full coverage insurance in Arizona includes liability coverage, collision coverage, and comprehensive insurance.
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Arizona's State-Wide Phone Ban while Driving Distracted drivers have caused serious and sometimes deadly crashes on Arizona's roadways. A quick glance at a text, email or social media update is the type of distracted driving that has resulted in thousands of injuries and hundreds of deaths in our community. In order to help prevent distracted driving, Arizona has passed a ban on use of cell phones while driving effective January 1, 2021.
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